Who is Alkan Law Firm?
The Firm especially gives advices to foreign clients about any possible investments can be made in the Northern Cyprus and bridges over its clients about any necessary transactions in the local or international banks.
The lawyers in this firm work hard to provide the safest and the fastest way to invest for its clients in Northern Cyprus by fulfill all the necessary actions in all the related departments of the government.
Latest questions and answers
1How can I buy Property in Northern Cyprus?
All foreign citizens who would like to buy a property in Northern Cyprus must obtain a permission from the Council of Ministers before the property get registered on their names.
Our firm can make the application on your behalf. The necessary documents are below.
Our firm can make the application on your behalf. The necessary documents are below.
- A Sale of the Contract
- Side plan of the property
- Copy of the title deed
- Copy of your passport
- Criminal record (must be original)
2As a Foreign Citizen, Can I buy or establish a Company in Northern Cyprus?
You have a legal right to hold maximum of 49% of shares in a Company in Northern Cyprus. Which means minimum 51% share must be hold by a TRNC citizen in a Company in Northern Cyprus according to the law. Also the director must be a TRNC citizen.
3What is the limitation of buying property in Northern Cyprus for foreigners?
2 donum of land or 1 flat or 1 villa.
4How much should I pay for transfer in Land Registry
Land Registry cost is 6% of the value of the property. If you buy the property from a company you also pay 5% VAT.
5I would like to register my contract to the Land Registry. What should I do?
First you need to be sure that your contract has the signature of the registered owner or his/her representative. Then you need to pay 0.5% of the sale price as stamp duty in Tax Office. Now you are ready to bring the sale of contract to the land registry to fill the necessary forms and register your contract.